Random Acts Of Annoyance
I apologize to those of you whom I told I was going to shoot for an update 3 days a week...I have been bogged down with school work and trying to get back into the flow of not having a life and reading, side note: it just seems as though this semester has alot more reading...either that or I am actually doing the reading...over under on pages a night is set at 40...
So much to write about so little time...
This weekend my window was shot out in my brand new 1996 Honda Accord...Needless to say I was not very happy...I was at my parents house on a sat night and came out to what I thought was a heavy frost on my window...NOPE...as I slammed my car door, *CRASH* in comes my entire back window, Awesome, its only -21 deg. perfect time to have a HUGE whole in your back window.

Called the cops. They are extremely helpful.
"Ummm...this is like the 8th report I have gotten tonight sooo..." cop says.
"So what is going to happen next?" My dad who also had his truck window shot out.
"Umm well if we get any suspects, we will compile all these reports and then bring them in for questioning, and when they admit to doing it, we will pull the report that seems to match up, then call you and re-open the case."
"So basically nothing is going to happen and we need to get the windows fixed as soon as possible" My dad says in a disgusted tone.
"That sounds about right, with the weather the way it is I would get it fixed as soon as you can."
So yeah...Minus one window, Minus $395...Minus faith in society...Its stupid, if your bored on a Saturday night read a book, smoke a joint, drink some beers, I don't care. Why shoot out windows? speaking of which I am going to need to question everyone that I come across as to your whereabouts on Saturday night between the hours of 8pm and 10pm.
Random act Part II:
Every morning I go to class and get to the parking ramp in which I park at, about 10mins before class starts. This is to minimize my time spent outside the class room talking about what everyone did last night. Which consists of well I don't know went home made some dinner watched some TV and READ....
So anyway back to the story on this morning I come upon the turn to the ramp, and there is long line...In my mind I am thinking LETS GO PEOPLE its not that hard to swipe your card and get in the ramp. I look forward there is one car blocking both entrances. In said car are two people male and female. The girl drove the car to the ramp and now picked the time to get out and switch so she can be dropped off. Awesome, she goes around the car to get her bag takes her sweet time, the guy gets out and gives her a hug and a kiss...REALLY! is that necessary...I happen to know both people and they will see each other in approximately 4 mins. REALLY!

"I'm gonna miss you..."
"No, I'm gonna miss you more!"
Fucking save it...I got places to be, classes to attend, and I see enough PDA in a day to make me sick. Please I understand that new love is fun love, but please do us all a favor and save your smoopies, and miss yous for your own house. I am at school to learn not watch two people make out in between classes.
So please...to all of you love birds out there, get a room, get a clue...and this not because I am jaded on the whole love thing, its just called being an adult...I don't need to see your tongue.
There are two causes for PDA, imminent death, and extreme drunkenness. THAT'S IT.
I have no patience for that sort of thing. Which is why I'm thankful that we have actual laws against knocking the ever-loving shit out of people. Because if there were no such laws I would have cracked their heads together while shouting, "Do your parents know what you're doing? Do they? Huh? Do they?!"
Sigh. I appreciate love. I love love. But people should really keep their foul love at home, the backseats of cars or in bars full of drunk people where it belongs.
Part III:

UNI Panthers....Figure it out, hit some shots, find "it"...Its a sad day when on bracket-ology you are listed as a teams worst loss. Never happened when I was there. If any of you have any college eligbility left and play point gaurd, and can hit an open three I have a number for you to call...
I am done, gotta get ready for school...
just read that there has been 40 incidents reported in gf about windows being smashed. this has been happening for years in gf. happened to my old truck outside tim b's place in 2000. several years later roommates auto's windows were smashed outside my house on 15th. hope they find them johnny and the loud punks above my room right now settle or there windows will be smashed. yeaaahhhh!
11:57 PM
my bro had his window shot out right after he got his new car as well. What is the deal with retards doing this in GF? Hopefully when they catch them they just allow every victim to smash every window in their car, house, and any other item they own that has glass in it.
9:39 AM
Kos & DVJS--
I have heard that there were like 40 windows smashed...and a redish vehicle was in the area...AWESOME...anyway My car was not clean when this happened...i think i had a weeks worth of clothes in my back seat...so when my window came crashing in, you guessed it, I am still picking glass out of anything that was remotely close to the back of my car...
10:30 AM
Well clean out your frickin car then. You're like the next Horp, when he moved back from Zona and didn't unpack his car for 7 months.
11:50 AM
Sorry about your car. Have you put anything in the window...or is it fixed, I mean it did happen last Saturday. Okay, and PDA...it's so annoying!! Really do you need to be all over each other? I don't care, the person next to me doesn't care...lets just get to moving.
12:39 AM
you should know that in kentucky, you get two free windshields/backwindows a year if you have insurance. pretty sweet random rule.
11:07 PM
also, i've been known to put on a right-handed dribbling showcase as well as knock down an open three.
11:09 PM
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