More Than Meets the Eye
Just left the movie Transformers...A little back story on this I was a transformer kid I had the action figures watched the show and even watched the movie (cartoon version (thanks Ben))

On to the movie the special effects were excellent and for me it tugged at all the right strings, I found myself getting pumped during the right parts and I was completely drawn into this movie....I am a pretty skeptical person and for a movie to that it has to be good (see back to the future)...The story line was exciting and it was wrapped up but left you with a little teaser and open door at the possibility of a second flick...

Now if you are like me you are sitting there saying I have seen all the comic book movies as of late (spider man, x-man, what have you) and they are entertaining but not great I was not willing to pay $9 to see a movie that I could just as well rent...I agree and had it not been for a few friends telling me how good this movie is and offering to attend the showing with me I would have done the same...
This movie is full of action and is very entertaining...Now its not a thinker or a tough plot line to follow so go into to it with the that mind set...Nothing makes me more mad than when someone sees a movie (ie Dumb and Dumber) and says man that movie was so stupid, what did you expect its called Dumb and Dumber...Same applies here its called transformers for a reason...
This movie had me wishing my '96 Honda with 160,000 miles was secretly a transformer and I was going to be shocked when I came out of the theater that I was now the proud owner of a '96 huge freaking alien robot...I was sadly disappointed as I am still the owner of a '96 Honda with rust colored racing strips due to the barbwire fence "incident"....
This movie is worth the 2.5 hrs and the $9...Its more than meets the eye...
When I first saw the preview for Transformers, I rolled my eyes and made a smart-ass comment. But I have yet to hear anything other than this movie is awesome, so I assume I will be seeing this movie at some point in the near future.
2:42 PM
acid rain is all i remember from the cartoon videos.
7:28 PM
i plan on seeing it in the very near future, but i hold the cartoon version in high regards. It's a movie that I was with me nearly every year of childhood, and one I still enjoy today. terrific soundtrack as well.
12:31 PM
New to the fray, my Name is Drew, work at Alerus with Jon. Transformers were the greatest thing when I was younger. (Think I am a bit older that some of you so I did get to play with them) Can't wait until wife is busy with other girly stuff so I can get to this movie.
3:39 PM
Welcome Drew--
The score for this movie if I remember right was similar to the Cartoon version...Remeber I said score not sountrack I am aware that linkin park did not play in the cartoon...Stay tuned because it has not been released yet.
3:44 PM
I, for one, was traumatized when Optimus Prime died in the (cartoon) movie, even if they did retroactively claim that he was merely comatized.
12:05 AM
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