I am assuming I am the tallest person blogging....I would say thats a pretty safe assumption, The only person taller than me that I know has a hard time tying his shoes...let alone turing on a computer.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where have you been?

What I been doing these days you ask?? Well let me tell you...I have embarked on the wonderful journey that is Law School...I am now a fighting Sioux for the first time and as of right now I support the nickname...

Law School, I know not many of you are interested in hearing the formalities of what Law School is all about, so I will keep it short...Reading, LOTS of reading...Oh that and getting called out in class and subjected to the "Socratic Method," basically being asked why until you start crying...

Day one:
Real Law School, Real Classes, Real People, Real Questions...First class, Torts, 9:15am. We had some pre-reading to do it was a case about a two boys, one of which kicked another in the knee causing the bone disease to become reactivated and eventually causing the second boy to lose his leg...Its a real case folks from the 1800s...So I had done my reading like a good boy...and I am just getting settled into what is going to be an adventurous ride through the wonderful world of the American Legal System...I was getting my computer set up and introducing myself to my classmates around me, when it happens....

I hear the door handle turn, and before the professor is even in the room he is saying rather loudly, "Mr. Godfread, please recite the facts in the case Vosburg v. Putney," OK so at this point panic has set in as my computer is not even on, and I do not have my case brief (notes about the happenings of the case) of that case up yet on my screen...so I raised my hand because he was looking around for the poor soul he had just called on and he asks "Well, You are Mr. Godfread, aren't you?" To which I reply "Yes," and my computer still is offering me no answers (why didn't I just recite the case from memory? because at this point I was lucky to answer the question about my name right let along cite any legal facts.) So finally it comes up and I start in well no more than 3 words in I get "No, Who can tell me where Mr. Godfread went wrong?" someone answers and then its back to me, I continue and he moves on to his next victim...


I will forever be known as that guy who got called on the first day in torts...People in the class above mine even knew the story before class was over, it was absolutely amazing...In case you were wondering Law School is like High school all over again, but this time all the cool kids are working construction, so the nerds run the joint. And these nerds have something to prove, catty back fighting, jealousy and envy rue the day....Its fantastic.

Law School also re-introduced me to the wonderful world of flag football...I have not played flag football since 6th grade and I am happy to say it made its triumphant return last weekend and the annual Malpractice bowl was held....This is a heated rivalry between the Law School and the Med School...full of pranks, and hatred, Glorious...This is a serious game of flag football it was held this year at Cushman Field...We had 3 weeks of practice leading up to the big game...It was a hard fought battle but the Med School did prevail...This was the last chance for the weekend warriors in the class of 2008 to strut their stuff...Intensity won out over size that day...(there are funny stories about this game but to protect the innocent I will only tell them in person)...

You may be asking what kind of Lawyer do you want to be Jon? Good question there is a funny youtube video that can explain everything, watch and enjoy....

Comments are always welcome...oh and Jim I am sorry about my fantasy football teams mascot if this is why you are not talking to me please let me know and I will laugh hard because silent treatment is something chicks do...

Stay Legal...JLaw