I am assuming I am the tallest person blogging....I would say thats a pretty safe assumption, The only person taller than me that I know has a hard time tying his shoes...let alone turing on a computer.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I am 6'11.

Yes I did/do play basketball.

No I have not "always been tall." Believe it or not I too once was a baby.

My parents are tall, thats where I get it from.

My siblings are tall as well, but not tall for our family.

Yes, finding clothes is hard.

No, I don't hate being tall, its the hand that God delt me and it's pocket aces.

I wear a 16 shoe.

Yes, it is hard to find shoes.

No, I don't have "some sort of super long bed."

Yes, tall people get automatic shotgun. It's a rule, deal with it.

Yes, flying does suck. No, my arms don't get tired.

If you choose to ask me "How's the weather up there?" You will get in return for your stupidity, a shower of spit and I will say it's raining.