I am assuming I am the tallest person blogging....I would say thats a pretty safe assumption, The only person taller than me that I know has a hard time tying his shoes...let alone turing on a computer.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Life comes at you fast You best keep Up

To those of you who wanted an update here it is read, enjoy and comment.

Pride is a funny thing, it can give you a sense of self worth and at the same time make you feel about an inch tall. I have swallowed my fair share of pride in my day and looking back on it I wouldn't change it for anything, its a humbling experience if I do say so myself. I was fortunate enough to learn VERY fast to stop worring about what other people said or thought. It's not worth my time or effort to prove myself to everyone in this world. This lesson is easier said than acheived. There are always haters out there.

Its funny, looking back on life you have defining moments, you can choose A or B and what you choose is forever going to change how you are as a person. My big change came my freshman year in college, I was 18, on my own, in the morman capital of the world the Mecca of Morman. I can remember it like it was yesterday, sitting in my room after I had talked to my mom about transfering from Utah. Was this really happening? Was everyone who had told me that I wasn't going to make it out here right? How was this going to look to my friends, my family everyone who knows me? Am I coming across as a failure? Here is where A or B comes into play. "A" I choose to look past this pretend that nothing happend, go about my business, stay in Utah, never see the light of day because I am burried so deep on the bench that I can't breathe. "A" would make me look good, it would make me somewhat of a success because I stayed I would get mins as a senior, I would get some glory out of the whole deal, but most of all no one would be able to say you didn't make it. "B" come right out and tell the world that I am leaving because this isn't the best place for me, make it or not the next 4 yrs would have been hell. But I lose pride because I admit to the world that I made a mistake, I chose wrong. Well for those of you who know me I chose "B", I swalowed my pride went to po-dunk Iowa to be in a good situation. Was it perfect? No, nothing ever is, but it was the better of the two.

Why am I talking about all this? Because, daily I see pride consume people. I need this hummer because I am making x amount, or I have to take this job because of the title. Everyone is guilty of it, but not everyone knows what they are sacrificing when they make those choices. Families are consumed by one partners unwillingness to let go of something purly because they are afraid to say 'yeah I failed, so what I tired' Few things embrass me and the one thing that I am most proud of is that failure doesn't. So to the few of you that read this, I want to say thankyou, you are reading this because you care, you are a friend, you have never once made me feel that what I do defines our friendship its about who I am so thanks.

So what do you choose "A" or "B"?


Blogger dvjs said...

now that is a post jon, a post with the most. thank you for making the blog world a better place for me, you, and the entire human race.

as for what i chose, i have yet to choose but will be happy when i do.

7:20 PM

Blogger pacing the cage said...

i'd choose you to be on my noonball team. you shoot threes almost as well as manute bol.

11:30 PM


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